Technical issues (EN)

Solutions to common technical problems anymind users may encounter.


- What are the technical requirements for anymind?

Make sure your browser and internet connection meet the requirements below, so that you can smoothly connect via anymind.

Supported web browsers

1) On computers with Windows, macOS and Linux:

  • Google Chrome (version 67 or higher)

  • Mozilla Firefox (version 61.0.1 or higher)

  • Safari (version 11.1.2 or higher)

  • Opera (version 54 or higher)

2) On mobile devices with Android:

  • Google Chrome (version 67 or higher)

  • Firefox (version 61.0.1 or higher)

3) On mobile devices with iOS:

  • Safari (version 11 or higher)

If you’re already using one of the browsers above, and the calls still don’t work — try updating your browser.

Minimum internet speed

  • For audio connections: min. 50 kb/s

  • For video connections: min. 2 mb/s

- What problems may occur during calls?

We’ve identified three most common problems that may occur during calls.

Here’s how you can fix them:

  • If something’s wrong with sound or vision, check if your microphone and camera are active by using the on/off buttons in the conversation window. If that doesn’t help, check your browser and system settings. Make sure your microphone and camera work properly.

  • If the call suddenly breaks, check your internet connection. Make sure the internet is working, then try reconnecting.

  • If you have trouble uploading a file on chat, the file may be too big. Maximum allowed size is 30mb.

- Which permissions are required for the anymind app?

The anymind mobile app requires these permissions:

  • microphone, so that you can speak and be heard via anymind,

  • camera, so that you can be seen on live video via anymind,

  • gallery, so that you can send and receive files during the calls,

  • notifications, so that you can receive notifications about incoming calls.

Remember that switching your camera on or off during the call is not synonymous with giving camera permissions. To work properly, our app requires your permission to use the camera — but it doesn’t mean the camera will be automatically switched on at the start of the call. You’re always in control.

- How can I report technical problems?

You can report technical problems at the end of every call by using the Report technical problems option in the call summary. You can also message us at

Last updated